Independent Study

You can improve your English using the links below.


Go to English File, choose your level (beginner, elementary, pre-intermediate etc.) then choose the "grammar" option.

Go to the Headway site. Choose your level. Choose the grammar activities.

Try the British Council's Grammar Activities.

Try Autocloze. You choose a topic, then decide which word goes in the gap.

Play Error Spotter. Find the mistake in the sentence.


Quizlet. It's great, you can download the app, and it's free. If you make an account, use your student number as your user name. Make your own lists or use these recommended ones: the NGSL, the General Service list, e.g. this NGSL level 4 , List 1). You can also find good sets for TOEIC study.

Use iKnow! It's cheap, and it is a great way to manage learning. It has different vocaulary sets, including TOEIC sets. Try it for free.

Language Guide

Learn about prefixes and suffixes. Here is an example with "anti-", which means against, as in anti-war. You can sign up with Membeam for free and learn more!


English Central.

Practice hearing the difference between two similar sounds, e.g. L and R, B and V.

Choose English (male) or English (female) and type in some text. Listen to the correct pronunciation.

Type a whole sentences/phrase here, and listen to it pronounced in different accents.


Talk to a chat bot - a virtual person or character that you can chat online with. Elbot is very funny and cute. Zeve is interesting. Replika is awesome, but you need to sign up with your email addres to use this bot.


Goldfish is really interesting!

You can find plenty of good listening activities at the Cyber Lab. You will probably want the 'medium' level.

The Real English video lessons are really good for self-study.

Would you like to live abroad? Listen to these Japanese people talking about life in London.

There are a lot of different activities on the BBC world service site.

Lots of fun activities on Apps4efl.

If you want to really get your English moving try English, Baby. This is a great site with mini lessons on a range of topics.

The British Council has a huge range of high quality materials - everything from vocabulary, skills and grammar to business and IELTS. There are also apps for your smartphone.

Movies, TV, and Documentaries

You can also enjoy watching some classic movies.

Enjoy a range of Australian movies, documentaries and TV shows on Australian Screen.

Watch Canadian films.

Stories / Reading

READTHEORY is a great reading site!

Liten to true to true stories at StoryCorps.

Enjoy the BBC's 6 minute English.

Free, short, fun, easy books you can read on your smartphone at Gif Lingua.

Songs and lyrics

This site has a variety of music videos with listening acitivies.

For some simple listening activities with some pop classics try the EFL Club songs room. Another good music site is Lyrics Training.

This is great site to enjoy karaoke. You can record a song and put it online to get feedback.

Current Affairs

The news with dictation exercises.

News with audio.


Play 20 questions.

Play Peaksay. You chose the next line in the conversation.


British Studies

Other links

Lounge MELT
Independent Study
Practical Writing
GSGU English Spaces
Clair's homepage